Every once in a while, we come across funny videos where some tow truck operator has an epic fail. While we laugh at those situations, we also know that if we aren’t careful something like that could potentially happen to us. The last thing we ever want to have happen is us making an avoidable mistake and having someone take a video of it that goes viral across the Internet. Having said that, take a look at the video below.
You can see that the tow truck driver made some classic errors and it ended up in disaster for him and the person who owned the car. This caused some damage that was clearly avoidable and it certainly hurt the company’s reputation. The video has a lot of views, so unfortunately the company got a lot of bad press because of it. We laughed at first at this video, but then we realized that it’s possible it could happen to one of our drivers. As a result, we watched the video a few more times, and we spoke with our team members to make sure we have processes in place to make sure that something like this would never happen to us. At Asheville Towing Pros, we are always learning and trying to improve ourselves. That’s our philosophy, and we think our customers appreciate it.
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